Saturday, February 14, 2009

Testing Time

It is here: testing time! The main portion of the CST's don't begin for us until the end of April, but we've got plenty others to keep us busy until then. On Thursday, my regular Language Arts students had a reading proficiency test. They take this test three times throughout the year (the exact same one, I don't know why) and have to pass it at least once. In two weeks, my reading improvement class has their third writing proficiency. They have four chances to pass, while the rest of the school only has three. Then, the next week, they have their third reading proficiency. Again, they have an extra chance over the students in regular Language Arts. That same week, Language Arts students are taking their second writing proficiency. The week after that, only seventh graders (which most of my reading improvement class are) have the STAR writing test. And from there it is only a few weeks until STAR testing for everyone.

Interspersed through all of this are four test prep academies for the whole school. This is when an extra period is added to the day and all are shortened by five minutes. That period comes between first and second and is used to prepare students for STAR testing in various ways. That means that on these four occasions I have my reading improvement students for two straight hours. We had our first academy yesterday. The students did not handle it well. First period went alright, and so did the academy. Our test prep assignment was to graph scores from the two previous years tests and set a goal for this year. The students were actually pretty involved even though it was difficult for most of them and I had to go around to each one after each step and reexplain it. But I let them use colored pencils to make their graph, so they all participated. The problem came when we got back to second period. The schedule had not been previously released to students, so it was a surprise to them that they had to stay with me for a whole other forty minutes. They were not happy about that, and by then, they were getting quite tired of working. Two of them just refused to do any work throughout that whole period. And I have three more of these to do in the next two months.