Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Cheshire Disturbing Child

A new personality is rising above the crowd in my reading intervention class. The last time I wrote, I explained that there are a few students who totally throw my class off track, and I need to remind them to SIT DOWN twenty times a day. But they do not make me angry, just frustrated. They don't seem to have much (or in one case, any) self control. They honestly seem to forget that they are supposed to stay in their seat during class.

Having observed all of this and my reactions, little Bobby*, has gotten himself some ideas. This child, I am certain, is either trying to get into trouble, or trying to piss me off. He does exactly what he knows I don't want him to do. For example, another student will be up wandering around the room, and I will tell him to SIT DOWN. The instant after I say it, Bobby will jump out of his seat and walk across the room. Or, I will remind my freakishly forgetful student to take out his textbook. Right then, Bobby, who already had his book open and turned to the right page, will slam it closed and shove it under his desk. What makes me wonder the most about him is that every time he gives one of these displays he'll be staring me right in the face and grinning like some big thing that grins a lot.

Yesterday, he straight refused to do any work, so I sent him to the office for the second time this week. He is suspended on Monday, so I will at least have one day of slightly less commotion. We will see if there has been any real effect on Tuesday, but I highly doubt it. I will continue, though, to try to figure out each of my students and see what works best with them individually. There has to be some better alternative than loudly reminding them to SIT DOWN all the time. Can you tell that I'm getting a bit tired of it? My throat is really sore by the time that group leaves each day.

Just in case anyone thinks I'm whining and that I dislike my job, let me assure you, I am still much happier than I was last year. My two regular Language Arts classes are so wonderful that it makes this all worth it.

*Not student's real name.

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