Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summertime and the Living's Boring

I am so BORED! Remember when you were a kid, and you just couldn't wait for summer to come. The first few days were awesome: you got to sleep in, watch cartoons and snack all day long, and you could stay up late. Then on about the third day, you realized that summer is booooring!

The same is true for me, even as an adult. I had been so looking forward to having time off, to relax and do whatever I want. The problem is I've relaxed, I've done everything I wanted to do, now I have six more weeks to fill. I've read six books in the last three weeks (usually, it's about the other way around) I've watched a bunch of videos, I've mowed the lawn and cleaned the house. Right now I'm watching The Empire Strikes Back on TV. It might be entertaining, except that I've already seen this movie about thirty times in my life. I can't even think of anything to do for the rest of the afternoon, let alone for six weeks.


Badass Geek said...

If you're looking for something to do, I'll switch with you. I wouldn't mind a couple weeks off.

Mrs. B said...

Badass: OK, ummm, I hope you're job either has to do with books or talking at people, because that's all I know how to do.