Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In Which I am Almost Too Angry to Write

I am sooo ticked off. At the end of last year, we teachers were told by administration that we would need to create a list of 30 vocabulary words to use for the whole school throughout the year. Over the summer, as we met to work on benchmark tests, the Language Arts department decided that we would just go ahead and make a list and a calendar and share with everyone else. We even went above and beyond, and came up with over 70 words to give us a word a day with regular review periods, lasting until state testing.

Now, the administration has given us a list of 60 words that we must use. Why the heck did they tell us to make a list if they were going to dictate a list to us? Of course, I am sure that they originally did want us to make up a list, but then changed their minds. But that is rude and ridiculous. They are showing no respect for all the work we did or our knowledge of what our students need. It makes me so angry!


Badass Geek said...

That would frustrate me, too. I hate it when upper management asks me to do a task, but turns around and does it themselves, voiding the work I did.

It's unfair.

allison said...

Yeah, that kind of stuff happens to teachers all the time. Uh! :( Often things aren't very organized in the school system, and the teachers pay for it.