Thursday, September 24, 2009

A & Q

I have asked you to ask me anything. So here are some answers for you.

Badass Geek wants to know: I've always wondered how the classroom experience feels different when you are the one teaching, instead of the one learning. Is it different, for better or worse, than you expected?

I guess the main difference between being a student and a teacher is everyone else in the room. As a student, I was only ever responsible for myself. If I put in the effort, I learned what I needed to know and got good grades. If I didn't, I didn't. As a teacher, I am now responsible for all of my students learning: those who are trying and those who definately aren't. I need to find ways to keep my students engaged and motivated. The biggest surprise for me has probably been the total apathy of some students.

Anonymous wants to know: Do teachers really have teachers pets? Or students you are glad to have in your class?

Teachers certainly have some students that we enjoy teaching more than others. It is usually not the smartest students, but the better behaved ones. I try not to let that affect my teaching or grading style. I may let them know that I appreciate their behavior, and I certainly will discipline students who are disruptive. One thing that people may not expect is that I also really like some of my less studious pupils. Some kids are really funny, but just don't know when it is appropriate to joke around and when it's not. I try not to encourage them.

If you have any other teaching questions, comment or email me, and I will answer them here.


Badass Geek said...

Nice! I figured it'd be about like that, but I always wondered what it'd be like to be on the other side of the desk.

allison said...

Haha. I know it's hard to not have favorites. I teach 100 students this year and sometimes it's hard to not overlook some of know the average ones who don't get in trouble.