Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Helicopter Parents

You have probably heard of the term "helicopter parent." It is used to describe a parent who is always hovering around their child, ready to take charge if the child has a problem. Teachers do complain about this kind of parents for two reasons.

Firstly, they're annoying. But more seriously, though they are trying to help their child, they can often slow their maturation. If Mommy or Daddy takes care of everything for them, they never learn to solve their own problems.

The most depressing situation is when a helicopter parent has an unmotivated, slacker child. I have one such in one of my classes now. The mother spends so much time seeking help for her son, and he takes no advantage of the opportunities she secures for him. It seems to me that she thinks he's doing poorly in school because the teachers aren't providing him enough help. In reality, his grades would be much better if he didn't sleep in class so much.

I wonder how this kid will turn out. He's headed for failure, yet his mother sticks up for him. Will he live at home for the rest of his life, getting fired from a series of minimum-wage jobs? Or will the mom eventually recognize the pattern of his failures and beign to hold him responsible?

1 comment:

Badass Geek said...

That must be so tough to watch, and not be able to step in.