Saturday, August 9, 2008

It is Too Early

It is now 7:05 am. I just woke up. I am definitely not a morning person, so I am having trouble staying awake. I thought that engaging my brain by writing might help.

This is the earliest I've gotten up for two months. I read somewhere that if you want to wake up earlier, it is easiest to do it fifteen minutes earlier each day. School starts next week, when I will have to get up at 6:30 every morning. I found a calendar, counted backwards a few weeks and figured out what time to get up every day. I've been doing pretty well. Except that three days ago, I set my alarm for pm instead of am and accidentally slept an extra half hour.

I wish I could sleep an extra half hour now. I do not see how I will be able to function this early every morning. At this time on Monday morning, I am supposed to be leaving for work. I do not think anyone this tired should be driving. I just hope that 6:30 is so awful that by comparison, 7:10 is great.

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